Thursday, March 6, 2014

Grace in the Wilderness - Chapters 1 - 6

Welcome to our class blog about Aranka Siegal's Grace in the Wilderness. We will be reading the book in three sections and posting thoughts and ideas after each section.

Section I: Chapters 1 - 6
1. Read during class. Write one page about the section in your notebook. You may comment on certain quotes, ideas, make predictions, summarize to help make meaning, draw pictures. Fill the page.
2. Once home, write a 2 - 4 paragraph post about the section. Copy, once you have proofread, then post to our class blog.
3. For full points, comment on at least one other person's post. Try to get a conversation going about the points you believe are important in the book.


  1. Hi Lovisa and Adri,
    To comment, choose Add Comments. You'll get a box in which you can type your thoughts. To respond to one another, simply click Reply under the comment you wish to address. Happy Blogging!

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  3. Grace in the Wilderness

    Everything is about searching. They’re searching for their family, their happiness and for a place to belong.
    When Piri hear a Swedish girl talk about not eating because she’s getting fat I think Piri is a bit confused and doesn’t understand how someone can do that. After not having any food, starving in the conservation camps, food is something that you should enjoy and eat until you’re full, at every moment you get.

    I really like how the book isn’t “beautified”, they show everything, the good the bad and the ugly. Being alive during that time, being in one of the camps, will change you for life and I think David put it perfectly when he says, “I know we are young in years, but we are old in experience. We have to make our own decisions; we are nobody’s children.”

    Iboya is the voice of reason and the person that always take care of Piri. Her advises are often to live life to it’s fullest and I love it when she says “I guess people are the same everywhere.” And Piri answers with “Someone should have told Hitler that.”

  4. Lovisa,

    Good job pulling quotes to support your thinking. You make good points about some of the themes in the book - searching and experience/decision-making. I will look forward to future posts.

  5. Wave Blog
    Power is something that that has the potential to be great and also to be something horrible. Absolute power could be called the worst of all. An example of someone who had absolute power is Adolf Hitler; we all know how that ended. When you give someone power of you, let them tell you what to do, what to say, etc… your giving them the power to control others as well. Such as the Nazis did to Jews and non-supporters of their group, millions of people were murdered to due to thoughts and beliefs of the man in power. In the book the Wave I think the teacher is trying to teach a good lesson however doesn’t know where this might end up going and the power of the “ experiment “ Reading chapters 1-6 you can easily stereotype every character David- Jock, Laurie- Queen B, Robert- Outcast and so on and so on. I think The Wave has the power to bring a sense of equality as the characters were saying. Ben Ross is an interesting character to me; in all honesty his intentions seem good however bad temptations will prevail I think. The students in Mr. Ross class have already seen the power of The Wave, little do they know that power can lead somewhere very bad.

    1. I do agree with you that the wave is a very powerful movement but I don't think that it means it will turn out to be evil or bad. So far the wave hasn't proven to be a nuisance to anyone. Everyone being equal is not that bad of an idea either.

  6. These first six chapters of the book show the idea of power and control. Ben was able to show his students a movie of the holocaust and then also instill a system on them that was a similar system to which Hitler used. So far the wave has not proven to be a bad thing at all. With the wave everyone is equal as well.
    Ben Ross is very fascinated with the wave, almost too fascinated. His wife Christy says that this is the way he gets about all things he studies. Either way it is hard to tell at this point if Mr. Ross has bitten more than he can chew. Mr. Ross has given his students the mottos “Strength through discipline”, “Strength through community” and “Strength through action”. The mottos purposes were to make the kids equal. In addition to the mottos he has also taught the kids a salute that only wave members can use.
    With the results Mr. Ross has received so far a prediction of the next chapters would be to see something very big happen.
