Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Grace in the Wilderness - Chapters 7 - 12

Section II: Chapters 7 - 12
1. Read during class. Write one page about the section in your notebook. You may comment on certain quotes, ideas, make predictions, summarize to help make meaning, draw pictures. Fill the page.
2. Once home, write a 2 - 4 paragraph post about the section. Copy, proofread, then post to our class blog.
3. For full points, comment on at least one other person's post. Try to get a conversation going about the points you believe are important in the book.

1 comment:

  1. The mere fact that this fad got so big in something as simple as what turned into a school experiment just shows how far it could go if people tried to do this not experimenting. So many people got caught up in being part of something that they came to believe that anyone not in it was less than them. I’m going to refer to what I said last post about power that if you don’t know how to handle it, it will become some people’s worst nightmare. I think if there were more people like Laurie when hitless was around millions would not have been killed. If more people stood up for what is right in the world it would be a much better place. However in their defense they believed The Wave was a positive thing which it is in some sense however people get too carried away with power.
    When David pushed Laurie to the ground is when I truly realized that this experiment had all these kids really into it. When you’re willing to hurt someone you love is when you should take a step back and examine what’s really going on which David did and kudos to him for that. Im just relieved the teacher was not AS caught up in the whole thing as all the students. I think at the point they were at he was capable of getting them to do whatever he pleased with happiness because after all, it was in the name of the wave! This book is a true eye opener about the power of power, however that doesn’t mean its always necessarily bad. Leadership and absolute power can lead to things greater than any of us imagined. That’s what I think anyway!!

